
[in-doos, -dyoos] /ɪnˈdus, -ˈdyus/

verb (used with object), induced, inducing.
to lead or move by persuasion or influence, as to some action or state of mind:
to induce a person to buy a raffle ticket.
to bring about, produce, or cause:
That medicine will induce sleep.
Physics. to produce (an electric current) by .
Logic. to assert or establish (a proposition about a class of phenomena) on the basis of observations on a number of particular facts.
Genetics. to increase expression of (a gene) by inactivating a negative control system or activating a positive control system; derepress.
Biochemistry. to stimulate the synthesis of (a protein, especially an enzyme) by increasing gene transcription.
verb (transitive)
(often foll by an infinitive) to persuade or use influence on
to cause or bring about
(med) to initiate or hasten (labour), as by administering a drug to stimulate uterine contractions
(logic, obsolete) to assert or establish (a general proposition, hypothesis, etc) by induction
to produce (an electromotive force or electrical current) by induction
to transmit (magnetism) by induction

late 14c., “to lead by persuasions or other influences,” from Latin inducere “lead into, bring in, introduce, conduct, persuade,” from in- “into, in, on, upon” (see in- (2)) + ducere “to lead” (see duke (n.)). Meaning “to bring about,” of concrete situations, etc., is from early 15c.; sense of “to infer by reasoning” is from 1560s. Electro-magnetic sense first recorded 1777. Related: Induced; inducing.

induce in·duce (ĭn-dōōs’, -dyōōs’)
v. in·duced, in·duc·ing, in·duc·es

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