
[ri-vur-suh-buh l] /rɪˈvɜr sə bəl/

capable of or of being .
capable of reestablishing the original condition after a change by the of the change.
(of a fabric) woven or printed so that either side may be exposed.
that can be worn with either side out:
a reversible jacket.
a garment, especially a coat, that can be worn with either side exposed.
capable of being reversed: a reversible decision
capable of returning to an original condition
(chem, physics) capable of assuming or producing either of two possible states and changing from one to the other: a reversible reaction
(thermodynamics) (of a change, process, etc) occurring through a number of intermediate states that are all in thermodynamic equilibrium
(of a fabric or garment) woven, printed, or finished so that either side may be used as the outer side
a reversible garment, esp a coat

1640s, from reverse (v.) + -ible. As a noun, of garments, from 1863. Related: Reversable (1580s).

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