
[noo-klee-uh-luh s, nyoo-] /nuˈkli ə ləs, nyu-/

noun, plural nucleoli
[noo-klee-uh-lahy, nyoo-] /nuˈkli əˌlaɪ, nyu-/ (Show IPA). Cell Biology.
a conspicuous, rounded body within the nucleus of a cell.
noun (pl) -li (-laɪ)
a small rounded body within a resting nucleus that contains RNA and proteins and is involved in the production of ribosomes Also called nucleole

1845, from Latin nucleolus, literally “a little nut,” diminutive of nucleus (see nucleus).

nucleolus nu·cle·o·lus (nōō-klē’ə-ləs, nyōō-)
n. pl. nu·cle·o·li (-lī’)
A small, typically round granular body composed of protein and RNA in the nucleus of a cell, usually associated with a specific chromosomal site and involved in ribosomal RNA synthesis and the formation of ribosomes.
nu·cle’o·lar (-lər) adj.
Plural nucleoli (n-klē’ə-lī’)
A small, typically spherical granular body located in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell, composed largely of protein and RNA. When the cell is not undergoing division, loops of DNA from one or more chromosomes extend into the nucleolus and direct the synthesis of ribosomal RNA and the formation of ribosomes. The ribosomes are eventually transferred out of the nucleus via pores in the nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm.

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