
[noo-trish-uh n, nyoo-] /nuˈtrɪʃ ən, nyu-/

the act or process of nourishing or of being nourished.
the science or study of, or a course of study in, nutrition, especially of humans.
the process by which organisms take in and utilize food material.
food; nutriment.
the pursuit of this science as an occupation or profession.
a process in animals and plants involving the intake of nutrient materials and their subsequent assimilation into the tissues related adjectives alimentary trophic
the act or process of nourishing
the study of nutrition, esp in humans

early 15c., from Old French nutrition (14c.) and directly from Latin nutritionem (nominative nutritio) “a nourishing,” noun of action from past participle stem of nutrire “to nourish, suckle” (see nourish).

nutrition nu·tri·tion (nōō-trĭsh’ən, nyōō-)

nu·tri’tion·al adj.

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