
[uh-kur] /əˈkɜr/

verb (used without object), occurred, occurring.
to happen; take place; come to pass:
When did the accident occur?
to be met with or found; present itself; appear.
to suggest itself in thought; come to mind (usually followed by to):
An idea occurred to me.
verb (intransitive) -curs, -curring, -curred
to happen; take place; come about
to be found or be present; exist
(foll by to) to be realized or thought of (by); suggest itself (to)

1520s, “meet, meet in argument,” from Middle French occurrer “happen unexpectedly” or directly from Latin occurrere “run to meet, run against, befall, present itself,” from ob “against, toward” (see ob-) + currere “to run” (see current (adj.)). Sense development is from “meet” to “present itself” to “appear” to “happen” (“present itself in the course of events”). Meaning “to come into one’s mind” is from 1620s. Related: Occurred; occurring.

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