
[uh-fis-uh-nl] /əˈfɪs ə nl/

kept in stock by apothecaries, as a drug.
Compare (def 1).
recognized by a pharmacopoeia.
an officinal medicine.
/ɒˈfɪsɪnəl; ˌɒfɪˈsaɪnəl/
(of pharmaceutical products) available without prescription
(of a plant) having pharmacological properties
an officinal preparation or plant

“kept in stock by a druggist,” c.1720, from French officinal, from Medieval Latin officinalis, literally “of or belonging in an officina,” a storeroom (of a monastery) for medicines and necessaries, in classical Latin “workshop, manufactory, laboratory,” contraction of *opificina, from opifex (genitive opificis) “worker, workman, maker, doer” (from opus “work;” see opus) + -fex, -ficis “one who does,” from facere “do, perform” (see factitious). Related: Officinally.

officinal of·fic·i·nal (ə-fĭs’ə-nəl, ŏf’ĭ-sī’nəl)

An official drug.

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