a large ship specifically designed for transporting crude oil in bulk across the oceans.
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- Oiltight
[oil-tahyt] /ˈɔɪlˌtaɪt/ adjective 1. constructed to be impervious to : an oiltight bulkhead.
- Oil-tree
(Isa. 41:19; R.V. marg., “oleaster”), Heb. ‘etz shemen, rendered “olive tree” in 1 Kings 6:23, 31, 32, 33 (R.V., “olive wood”) and “pine branches” in Neh. 8:15 (R.V., “branches of wild olive”), was some tree distinct from the olive. It was probably the oleaster (Eleagnus angustifolius), which grows abundantly in almost all parts of Palestine, […]
- Oil-varnish
noun 1. See under (def 1). [vahr-nish] /ˈvɑr nɪʃ/ noun 1. a preparation consisting of resinous matter, as copal or lac, dissolved in an oil (oil varnish) or in alcohol (spirit varnish) or other volatile liquid. When applied to the surface of wood, metal, etc., it dries and leaves a hard, more or less glossy, […]
- Oil-well
noun 1. a well that yields or has yielded oil. noun 1. a boring into the earth or sea bed for the extraction of petroleum
- Oily
[oi-lee] /ˈɔɪ li/ adjective, oilier, oiliest. 1. smeared or covered with ; greasy: an oily road surface. 2. of the nature of, consisting of, or resembling . 3. of or relating to . 4. full of or containing . 5. smooth or unctuous, as in manner or speech: an oily hypocrite. adverb 6. in an […]