
[oh-kuh] /ˈoʊ kə/


a form unit of liquid measure, equal to about 1.33 U.S. liquid quarts (1.26 liters).
[oh-kuh] /ˈoʊ kə/
[oh-kah; Russian uh-kah] /oʊˈkɑ; Russian ʌˈkɑ/
a river in the central Russian Federation in Europe, flowing NE to the Volga at Nizhni Novgorod. 950 miles (1530 km) long.
[oh-kuh] /ˈoʊ kə/
a wood sorrel, Oxalis tuberosa, of the Andes, cultivated in South America for its edible tubers.
a tuber of this plant.
a unit of weight used in Turkey, equal to about 2.75 pounds or 1.24 kilograms
a unit of liquid measure used in Turkey, equal to about 1.3 pints or 0.75 litres
a brine-cured Canadian cheese
any of various South American herbaceous plants of the genus Oxalis, cultivated for their edible tubers: family Oxalidaceae



Right; that’s understood, let’s get on: So I told you about that, okay, so the next thing was he jumped the fence


Yes; I agree; I accept that; I will do that


Is that all right? is that understood? COPPISH: I’m going now, okay?

[1839+; origin uncertain and the subject of essay after essay; Allen Walker Read is the great authority and has shown that the locution began as a bumpkin-imitating game among New York and Boston writers in the early 1800s, who used OK for ”oll korrect”]
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous

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