
[oo-lahf, English oh-luh f, oh-luh v] /ˈu lɑf, English ˈoʊ ləf, ˈoʊ ləv/

1903–91, king of Norway 1957–91.
[oo-lahf; English oh-luh f] /ˈu lɑf; English ˈoʊ ləf/
(Olaf Tryggvessön) a.d. 969–1000, king of Norway 995–1000.
Saint (Olaf Haraldssön) a.d. 995–1030, king of Norway from 1016 to 1029; patron saint of Norway.
known as Olaf Tryggvesson. ?965–?1000 ad, king of Norway (995–?1000). He began the conversion of Norway to Christianity
Saint. 995–1030 ad, king of Norway (1015–28), who worked to complete the conversion of Norway to Christianity; deposed by Canute; patron saint of Norway. Feast day: July 29

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