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noun 1. a river bed left dry because the river has changed its course.
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noun 1. rose color with a purplish or grayish cast. noun 1.
- Old-russian
noun 1. Russian as used in documents before 1600. Abbreviation: ORuss.
- Olds
[ohldz] /oʊldz/ noun 1. Ransom Eli, 1864–1950, U.S. automobile pioneer and manufacturer. [ohld] /oʊld/ adjective, older, oldest or elder, eldest. 1. far advanced in the years of one’s or its life: an old man; an old horse; an old tree. 2. of or relating to the latter part of the life or term of existence […]
- Old-saxon
noun 1. the Saxon dialect of Low German in use before c1100. Abbreviation: OS. noun 1. the Saxon dialect of Low German up to about 1200, from which modern Low German is derived OS