Ole custom controls
(OCX) An Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom control allowing infinite extension of the Microsoft Access control set. OCX is similar in purpose to VBX used in Visual Basic. Available OCX’s include “Scroll Bar Control”, “Calendar Control”, and “Data Outline Control”.
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[oh-el-ee-dee, oh-led] /ˈoʊˈɛlˌiˈdi, ˈoʊˌlɛd/ noun 1. organic light-emitting diode: a light-emitting diode (LED) composed of one or more layers of organic material between two electrodes. abbreviation 1. organic light-emitting diode
- Ole db
database, programming Microsoft’s low-level application program interface (API) for access to data sources. “OLE” originally stood for Object Linking and Embedding and “DB” for database but Microsoft no longer ascribes these meanings. (2008-03-19)
- Olefiant-gas
[oh-luh-fahy-uh nt, oh-lee-fee-, oh-lef-ee-] /ˌoʊ ləˈfaɪ ənt, oʊˈli fi-, oʊˈlɛf i-/ noun 1. (def 2).
- Olefin
[oh-luh-fin] /ˈoʊ lə fɪn/ noun, Chemistry. 1. any member of the alkene series. olefin o·le·fin (ō’lə-fĭn) n. Any of a group of unsaturated open chain hydrocarbons possessing one or more double bonds, the simplest of which is ethylene. olefin (ō’lə-fĭn) See alkene.
- Olefine
[oh-luh-fin] /ˈoʊ lə fɪn/ noun, Chemistry. 1. any member of the alkene series. /ˈəʊlɪˌfiːn; -fɪn; ˈɒl-/ noun 1. other names for alkene olefin o·le·fin (ō’lə-fĭn) n. Any of a group of unsaturated open chain hydrocarbons possessing one or more double bonds, the simplest of which is ethylene. olefin (ō’lə-fĭn) See alkene.