[os-tee-ahy-tis] /ˌɒs tiˈaɪ tɪs/
noun, Pathology.
inflammation of the substance of bone.
inflammation of a bone
osteitis os·te·i·tis (ŏs’tē-ī’tĭs) or os·ti·tis (ŏ-stī’tĭs)
Inflammation of bone or bony tissue.
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- Osteitis-deformans
[dih-fawr-manz] /dɪˈfɔr mænz/ noun, Pathology. 1. . /dɪˈfɔːmənz/ noun 1. another name for Paget’s disease (sense 1) osteitis deformans osteitis de·for·mans (dē-fôr’mānz’) n. See Paget’s disease.
- Osteitis fibrosa cystica
osteitis fibrosa cystica osteitis fi·bro·sa cys·ti·ca (fī-brō’sə sĭs’tĭ-kə) n. The resorption and replacement of calcified bone with fibrous tissue caused by hyperparathyroidism or similar conditions that affect the concentration of mineral salts such as calcium and phosphorus. Also called Recklinghausen’s disease of bone.
- Osteitis fungosa
osteitis fungosa osteitis fun·go·sa (fŭng-gō’sə) n. Chronic osteitis in which the Haversian canals are dilated and filled with granulation tissue.
- Ostempyesis
ostempyesis os·tem·py·e·sis (ŏs’těm-pī-ē’sĭs) n. Suppuration in a bone.
- Ostend
[os-tend, os-tend] /ɒsˈtɛnd, ˈɒs tɛnd/ noun 1. a seaport in NW Belgium. /ɒsˈtɛnd/ noun 1. a port and resort in NW Belgium, in West Flanders on the North Sea. Pop: 68 273 (2004 est) French name Ostende (ɔstɑ̃d) Flemish name Oostende