[os-tee-oh-sis] /ˌɒs tiˈoʊ sɪs/
the formation of bony tissue, usually infiltrating connective tissue.
osteosis os·te·o·sis (ŏs’tē-ō’sĭs) or os·to·sis (ŏ-stō’sĭs)
The formation of bony tissue, especially over connective or other tissue.
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osteosis cutis osteosis cu·tis (kyōō’tĭs) n. Bone formation in the skin and tissue by osseous metaplasia of calcium deposits. Also called osteodermia.
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osteosuture os·te·o·su·ture (ŏs’tē-ō-sōō’chər) n. See osteorrhaphy.
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osteosynthesis os·te·o·syn·the·sis (ŏs’tē-ō-sĭn’thĭ-sĭs) n. The process of mechanically bringing the ends of a fractured bone close together, as by wiring together or attaching to a metal plate.
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osteothrombosis os·te·o·throm·bo·sis (ŏs’tē-ō-thrŏm-bō’sĭs) n. Thrombosis in one or more of the veins of a bone.
- Osteotome
[os-tee-uh-tohm] /ˈɒs ti əˌtoʊm/ noun, Surgery. 1. a double-beveled chisellike instrument for cutting or dividing bone. /ˈɒstɪəˌtəʊm/ noun 1. a surgical instrument for cutting bone, usually a special chisel osteotome os·te·o·tome (ŏs’tē-ə-tōm’) n. A chisel-like instrument for cutting bone.