Otitic meningitis
otitic meningitis n.
Infection of the meninges occurring as a result of mastoiditis or otitis media.
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[oh-tahy-tis] /oʊˈtaɪ tɪs/ noun, Pathology. 1. inflammation of the ear. /əʊˈtaɪtɪs/ noun 1. inflammation of the ear, esp the middle ear (otitis media), with pain, impaired hearing, etc, or the outer ear (otitis externa), with inflammation between the ear drum and the external opening See also labyrinthitis otitis o·ti·tis (ō-tī’tĭs) n. Inflammation of the ear. […]
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[ik-stur-nuh] /ɪkˈstɜr nə/ noun, Pathology. 1. inflammation of the external ear. otitis externa otitis ex·ter·na (ĭk-stûr’nə) n. Inflammation of the external auditory canal.
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otitis externa circumscripta otitis externa cir·cum·scrip·ta (sûr’kəm-skrĭp’tə) n. Furunculosis of the external auditory canal. Also called otitis furunculosa.
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otitis furunculosa otitis fu·run·cu·lo·sa (fə-rŭng’kyə-lō’sə) n. See otitis externa circumscripta.