otocephaly o·to·ceph·a·ly (ō’tō-sěf’ə-lē)
A congenital malformation of the head characterized by a markedly diminished or absent lower jaw and the joining or close approach of the ears on the front of the neck below the face.
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- Otocleisis
otocleisis o·to·clei·sis (ō’tō-klī’sĭs) n. The closing of the auditory tube of the ear either by a new growth or accumulation of cerumen.
- Otoconium
otoconium o·to·co·ni·um (ō’tə-kō’nē-əm) n. pl. o·to·co·ni·a (-nē-ə) See statoconium.
- Otocranium
otocranium o·to·cra·ni·um (ō’tō-krā’nē-əm) n. The bony case of the internal and middle ear consisting of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. o’to·cra’ni·al adj.
- Otocyst
[oh-tuh-sist] /ˈoʊ tə sɪst/ noun 1. a statocyst. 2. . /ˈəʊtəʊˌsɪst/ noun 1. another name for statocyst 2. the embryonic structure in vertebrates that develops into the inner ear in the adult otocyst o·to·cyst (ō’tə-sĭst’) n. The structure formed by invagination of the embryonic ectodermal tissue that develops into the inner ear. o’to·cys’tic adj.
- Otoe
[oh-toh] /ˈoʊ toʊ/ noun, plural Otoes (especially collectively) Otoe. 1. . [oh-toh] /ˈoʊ toʊ/ noun, plural Otos (especially collectively) Oto. 1. a member of a Siouan-speaking tribe of North American Indians who formerly inhabited the lower Missouri River basin and now live in Oklahoma. otolaryngology