[oh-toh-rahy-noh-lar-ing-gol-uh-jee] /ˌoʊ toʊˌraɪ noʊˌlær ɪŋˈgɒl ə dʒi/
otorhinolaryngology o·to·rhi·no·lar·yn·gol·o·gy (ō’tō-rī’nō-lār’ĭn-gŏl’ə-jē)
The medical specialty concerned with diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.
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otorhinology o·to·rhi·nol·o·gy (ō’tō-rī’nŏl’ə-jē) n. The branch of medicine that is concerned with diseases of the ear and nose.
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otorrhagia o·tor·rha·gi·a (ō’tə-rā’jē-ə, -jə) n. Bleeding from the external auditory canal of the ear.
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[oh-tuh-ree-uh] /ˌoʊ təˈri ə/ noun, Pathology. 1. a mucopurulent discharge from the ear. otorrhea o·tor·rhe·a (ō’tə-rē’ə) n. A discharge from the ear.
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/ˌəʊtəˈrɪə/ noun 1. (pathol) a discharge from the ears
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[oh-tuh-skli-roh-sis] /ˌoʊ tə sklɪˈroʊ sɪs/ noun, Pathology. 1. formation of new bone about the stapes or cochlea, resulting in hearing loss. otosclerosis o·to·scle·ro·sis (ō’tō-sklə-rō’sĭs) n. A formation of spongy bone about the stapes and the oval window of the ear, causing progressive deafness.