(pathol) a discharge from the ears
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[oh-tuh-skli-roh-sis] /ˌoʊ tə sklɪˈroʊ sɪs/ noun, Pathology. 1. formation of new bone about the stapes or cochlea, resulting in hearing loss. otosclerosis o·to·scle·ro·sis (ō’tō-sklə-rō’sĭs) n. A formation of spongy bone about the stapes and the oval window of the ear, causing progressive deafness.
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[oh-tuh-skohp] /ˈoʊ təˌskoʊp/ noun, Medicine/Medical. 1. an instrument for examining the external canal and tympanic membrane of the ear. /ˈəʊtəʊˌskəʊp/ noun 1. another name for auriscope otoscope o·to·scope (ō’tə-skōp’) n. An instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum, consisting essentially of a magnifying lens and a light. Also called auriscope.
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[oh-tuh-skohp] /ˈoʊ təˌskoʊp/ noun, Medicine/Medical. 1. an instrument for examining the external canal and tympanic membrane of the ear. /ˈəʊtəʊˌskəʊp/ noun 1. another name for auriscope otoscope o·to·scope (ō’tə-skōp’) n. An instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum, consisting essentially of a magnifying lens and a light. Also called auriscope.
- Otoscopy
[oh-tuh-skohp] /ˈoʊ təˌskoʊp/ noun, Medicine/Medical. 1. an instrument for examining the external canal and tympanic membrane of the ear. /ˈəʊtəʊˌskəʊp/ noun 1. another name for auriscope otoscopy o·tos·co·py (ō-tŏs’kə-pē) n. Examination of the ear by means of an otoscope. otoscope o·to·scope (ō’tə-skōp’) n. An instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum, […]
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otosteal ot·os·te·al (ō-tŏs’tē-əl) adj. Of or relating to the small bones of the middle ear.