[out-kast, -kahst] /ˈaʊtˌkæst, -ˌkɑst/
a person who is rejected or out, as from home or society:
In the beginning the area was settled by outcasts, adventurers, and felons.
a homeless wanderer; vagabond.
rejected matter; refuse.
out, as from one’s home or society:
an outcast son.
pertaining to or characteristic of an outcast:
outcast misery.
rejected or discarded:
outcast opinions.
[out-kast, -kahst] /ˈaʊtˌkæst, -ˌkɑst/
noun, Scot.
a falling out; quarrel.
a person who is rejected or excluded from a social group
a vagabond or wanderer
anything thrown out or rejected
rejected, abandoned, or discarded; cast out
mid-14c., “a person cast out or rejected,” originally past participle of Middle English outcasten, from out + casten “to cast” (see cast (v.)). The adjective is attested from late 14c. In an Indian context, outcaste “one who has been expelled from his caste” is from 1876; see caste.
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[out-kast, -kahst] /ˈaʊtˌkæst, -ˌkɑst/ noun 1. (in India) a person who has left or been expelled from his or her . 2. a person of no . /ˈaʊtˌkɑːst/ noun 1. a person who has been expelled from a caste 2. a person having no caste verb 3. (transitive) to cause (someone) to lose his caste
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