
[ou-ter] /ˈaʊ tər/

situated on or toward the outside; external; exterior:
outer garments; an outer wall.
situated farther or farther from the center:
the outer reaches of space.
of or relating to the external world.
adjective (prenominal)
being or located on the outside; external
further from the middle or central part

(Austral) the unsheltered part of the spectator area at a sports ground
(Austral & NZ, informal) on the outer, excluded or neglected

late 14c., comparative of out (on analogy of inner), replacing by 18c. forms descended from Old English uttera (comp. of Old English ut “out”) which developed into utter and was no longer felt as connected with out. Outer space first attested 1901 in writings of H.G. Wells.

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