
[out-goh] /ˈaʊtˌgoʊ/

noun, plural outgoes.
the act or process of out:
Her illness occasioned a tremendous outgo of affectionate concern.
money paid out; expenditure:
a record of income and outgo.
something that out; outflow:
The outgo of electrical energy had to be increased.
verb (used with object), outwent, outgone, outgoing.
to beyond; outdistance:
to outgo the minimum rquirements.
to surpass, excel, or outdo:
Each child was encouraged to outgo the others.
Archaic. to go faster than; excel in speed.
verb (ˌaʊtˈɡəʊ) -goes, -going, -went, -gone
(transitive) to exceed or outstrip
noun (ˈaʊtˌɡəʊ)
cost; outgoings; outlay
something that goes out; outflow

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