
[uh-pree-shee-ey-shuh n] /əˌpri ʃiˈeɪ ʃən/

gratitude; thankful recognition:
They showed their appreciation by giving him a gold watch.
the act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value.
clear perception or recognition, especially of aesthetic quality:
a course in art appreciation.
an increase or rise in the value of property, goods, etc.
critical notice; evaluation; opinion, as of a situation, person, etc.
a critique or written evaluation, especially when favorable.
/əˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃən; -sɪ-/
thanks or gratitude
assessment of the true worth or value of persons or things
perceptive recognition of qualities, as in art
an increase in value, as of goods or property
a written review of a book, etc, esp when favourable

c.1600 (with an isolated use from c.1400), from Anglo-French appreciation, noun of action from Old French apprécier (14c.), from Late Latin appretiare “estimate the quality of” (see appreciate). Generally with a sense of “high estimation” from c.1650. Meaning “expression of (favorable) estimation” is from 1858; sense of “rise in value” is from c.1790.

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