
[oh-ver-pou-er] /ˌoʊ vərˈpaʊ ər/

verb (used with object)
to overcome, master, or subdue by superior force:
to overpower a maniac.
to overcome or overwhelm in feeling; affect or impress excessively:
overpowered with confusion and desire.
to gain mastery over the bodily or mental faculties of:
a strong drink that quickly overpowered him.
to furnish or equip with excessive :
a giant motor that overpowered the pump.
verb (transitive)
to conquer or subdue by superior force
to have such a strong effect on as to make helpless or ineffective
to supply with more power than necessary

“to overcome with superior power,” 1590s, from over- + power (v.). Related: Overpowered; overpowering.

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