
[pab-yuh-luh m] /ˈpæb yə ləm/

something that nourishes an animal or vegetable organism; food; nutriment.
material for intellectual nourishment.
(def 2).
noun (rare)
food for thought, esp when bland or dull

“food” for anything, 1670s, from Latin pabulum “fodder, food, nourishment,” from PIE root *pa- “to protect, feed” (see food) + instrumentive suffix *-dhlom.

Pablum (1932), derived from this, is a trademark (Mead Johnson & Co.) for a soft, bland cereal used as a food for infants and weak and invalid people, hence figurative use (attested from 1970, first by U.S. Vice President Spiro Agnew) in reference to “mushy” political prose.

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