Page fault

memory management
In a paged virtual memory system, an access to a page (block) of memory that is not currently mapped to physical memory. When a page fault occurs the operating system either fetches the page in from secondary storage (usually disk) if the access was legitimate or otherwise reports the access as illegal.

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  • Page in

    storage, architecture What a paging system does when it copies part of a task’s working memory from swap space on disk to RAM. [Jargon File] (1995-01-23)

  • Page mode

    1. See page mode DRAM. 2. An operation mode of video terminals like the IBM 3270, in which the terminal only sends a completed input screen (page) to the host instead of sending each character as the keys are pressed. (1995-03-28)

  • Page out

    storage, architecture What a paging system does when it copies part of a task’s working memory from RAM to swap space on disk. [Jargon File] (1995-01-23)

  • Page-printer

    noun 1. Computers. a high-speed, high-resolution printer that uses a light source, as a laser beam or electrically charged ions, to print a full page of text or graphics at a time.

  • Page-proof

    noun 1. a trial proof printed from type that has been made up in page form, usually after galley corrections have been made, but before plates are made. Compare (def 12).

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