[pahm-deyl] /ˈpɑmˌdeɪl/
a city in SW California.
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noun 1. a town in S California, near Palm Springs.
- Palme
[pahl-muh] /ˈpɑl mə/ noun 1. (Sven) Olof (Joachim) [sven oo-lawf yoo-ah-kim] /svɛn ˈu lɔf ˈyu ɑ kɪm/ (Show IPA), 1927–86, Swedish political leader: prime minister 1969–76, 1982–86; assassinated. /Swedish ˈpalmə/ noun 1. (Sven) Olof (Joachim) (ˈuːlof). 1927–86, Swedish Social Democratic statesman; prime minister (1969–76, 1982–86); assassinated
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[pahmd] /pɑmd/ adjective 1. having a or of a specified kind (often used in combination): a wide-palmed hand. [pahm] /pɑm/ noun 1. the part of the inner surface of the hand that extends from the wrist to the bases of the fingers. 2. the corresponding part of the forefoot of an animal. 3. the part […]
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[pah-mer, pahl-] /ˈpɑ mər, ˈpɑl-/ noun 1. a pilgrim, especially of the Middle Ages, who had returned from the Holy Land bearing a branch as a token. 2. any religious pilgrim. 3. . verb (used without object) 4. Scot. and North England. to wander; go idly from place to place. [pah-mer] /ˈpɑ mər/ noun 1. […]
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