Palmerston north
a city in New Zealand, in the S North Island on the Manawatu River. Pop: 78 100 (2004 est)
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- Palmer-tomkinson
/ˈpɑːməˈtɔmkɪnsən/ noun 1. Tara. born 1971, British socialite, television personality, and journalist
- Palmerworm
[pah-mer-wurm] /ˈpɑ mərˌwɜrm/ noun 1. the larva of a tineid moth, Dichomeris ligulella, of the eastern U.S., that feeds on the leaves of apple and other fruit trees.
- Palmer-worm
(Heb. gazam). The English word may denote either a caterpillar (as rendered by the LXX.), which wanders like a palmer or pilgrim, or which travels like pilgrims in bands (Joel 1:4; 2:25), the wingless locusts, or the migratory locust in its larva state.
- Palmette
[pal-met] /pælˈmɛt/ noun 1. a conventionalized shape in the form of palmately spread leaves or sections, used as ornamentation. Compare , (def 5). /pælˈmɛt/ noun 1. (archaeol) an ornament or design resembling the palm leaf
- Palmetto
[pal-met-oh, pahl-, pah-met-oh] /pælˈmɛt oʊ, pɑl-, pɑˈmɛt oʊ/ noun, plural palmettos, palmettoes. 1. any of various palms having fan-shaped leaves, as of the genera Sabal, Serenoa, and Thrinax. /pælˈmɛtəʊ/ noun (pl) -tos, -toes 1. any of several small chiefly tropical fan palms, esp any of the genus Sabal, of the southeastern US See also cabbage […]