
[par-uh s-thee-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh] /ˌpær əsˈθi ʒə, -ʒi ə, -zi ə/

noun, Pathology.
[par-uh s-thee-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh] /ˌpær əsˈθi ʒə, -ʒi ə, -zi ə/
noun, Pathology.
an abnormal sensation, as prickling, itching, etc.
(pathol) an abnormal or inappropriate sensation in an organ, part, or area of the skin, as of burning, prickling, tingling, etc
(pathol) the usual US spelling of paraesthesia

also paresthesia, 1835, from para- (here “disordered”) + Greek aisthesis “perception” (see anaesthesia).

paraesthesia par·aes·the·sia (pār’ĭs-thē’zhə)
Variant of paresthesia.

paresthesia par·es·the·sia or par·aes·the·sia (pār’ĭs-thē’zhə)
A skin sensation, such as burning, prickling, itching, or tingling, with no apparent physical cause.
par’es·thet’ic (-thět’ĭk) adj.

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