
[puh-ree-sis, par-uh-sis] /pəˈri sɪs, ˈpær ə sɪs/

noun, Pathology.
partial motor paralysis.
a late manifestation of syphilis, characterized by progressive dementia and paralysis.
/pəˈriːsɪs; ˈpærɪsɪs/
noun (pathol) (pl) -ses (-ˌsiːz)
incomplete or slight paralysis of motor functions
short for general paresis See general paralysis of the insane

“partial paralysis,” 1690s, Modern Latin, from Greek paresis “letting go, slackening of strength, paralysis,” from stem of parienai “to let go,” from para- (see para- (1)) + hienai “to send, throw” (see jet (v.)).

paresis pa·re·sis (pə-rē’sĭs, pār’ĭ-sĭs)
n. pa·re·ses (-sēz)

pa·ret’ic (pə-rět’ĭk) adj. & n.

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