
[puh-rot-id] /pəˈrɒt ɪd/ Anatomy

Also called parotid gland. a salivary gland situated at the base of each ear.
of, relating to, or situated near either parotid.
relating to or situated near the parotid gland
See parotid gland

“situated near the ear,” 1680s, from French parotide (1540s), or directly from Latin parotid-, stem of parotis, from Greek parotis “tumor near the ear,” from para- “beside” (see para- (1)) + ot-, stem of ous “ear” (see ear (n.1)). As a noun, “the parotid gland.”

parotid pa·rot·id (pə-rŏt’ĭd)

A parotid gland.

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