[pas-cher-uh-buh l, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃər ə bəl, ˈpɑs-/
capable of providing , as land.
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- Pastural
[pas-cher, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃər, ˈpɑs-/ noun 1. Also called pastureland [pas-cher-land, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃərˌlænd, ˈpɑs-/ (Show IPA). an area covered with grass or other plants used or suitable for the grazing of livestock; grassland. 2. a specific area or piece of such ground. 3. grass or other plants for feeding livestock. verb (used with object), […]
- Pastureland
[pas-cher, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃər, ˈpɑs-/ noun 1. Also called pastureland [pas-cher-land, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃərˌlænd, ˈpɑs-/ (Show IPA). an area covered with grass or other plants used or suitable for the grazing of livestock; grassland. 2. a specific area or piece of such ground. 3. grass or other plants for feeding livestock. verb (used with object), […]
- Pasturing
[pas-cher, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃər, ˈpɑs-/ noun 1. Also called pastureland [pas-cher-land, pahs-] /ˈpæs tʃərˌlænd, ˈpɑs-/ (Show IPA). an area covered with grass or other plants used or suitable for the grazing of livestock; grassland. 2. a specific area or piece of such ground. 3. grass or other plants for feeding livestock. verb (used with object), […]
- Pasture-rose
noun 1. a bristly-stemmed rose, Rosa carolina, of the eastern U.S., having slender, straight thorns and large, solitary, rose-pink flowers.
- Pa-system
noun 1. . [puhb-lik-uh-dres] /ˈpʌb lɪk əˈdrɛs/ noun 1. a combination of electronic devices that makes sound audible via loudspeakers to many people, as in an auditorium or out of doors. noun 1. See public-address system noun 1. a system of one or more microphones, amplifiers, and loudspeakers for increasing the sound level of speech […]