
[peyt] /peɪt/

the crown or top of the head.
the head.
the brain.
[paht] /pɑt/
porcelain paste used in ceramic work.
[pah-tey, pa‐; French pah-tey, pa‐] /pɑˈteɪ, pæ‐; French pɑˈteɪ, pæ‐/
noun, plural pâtés
[pah-teyz, pa‐; French pah-tey] /pɑˈteɪz, pæ‐; French pɑˈteɪ/ (Show IPA)
French Cookery. a paste or spread made of puréed or finely chopped liver, meat, fish, game, etc., served as an hors d’oeuvre.
the head, esp with reference to baldness or (in facetious use) intelligence
/ˈpæteɪ; French pɑte/
a spread of very finely minced liver, poultry, etc, served usually as an hors d’oeuvre
a savoury pie of meat or fish

“top of the head,” early 14c. (late 12c. in surnames), of unknown origin; perhaps a shortened form of Old French patene or Medieval Latin patena, both from Latin patina “pan, dish” (see pan (n.)).

“paste,” 1706, from French pâté, from Old French paste, earlier pastée, from paste (see paste (n.)).

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