
[pey-ter; also for 2, 3 pat-er] /ˈpeɪ tər; also for 2, 3 ˈpæt ər/

British Informal. .
(often initial capital letter) the paternoster; Lord’s Prayer.
a recitation of it.
[pey-ter] /ˈpeɪ tər/
Walter Horatio, 1839–94, English critic, essayist, and novelist.
[pah-ter pah-tree-ahy; English pey-ter pey-tree-ee, pat-er pa-tree-ee] /ˈpɑ tɛr ˈpɑ triˌaɪ; English ˈpeɪ tər ˈpeɪ triˌi, ˈpæt ər ˈpæ triˌi/
Latin. father of his country.
(Brit, mainly facetious) a public school slang word for father
Walter (Horatio). 1839–94, English essayist and critic, noted for his prose style and his advocation of the “love of art for its own sake”. His works include the philosophical romance Marius the Epicurean (1885), Studies in the History of the Renaissance (1873), and Imaginary Portraits (1887)

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