[puh-thol-uh-jee] /pəˈθɒl ə dʒi/
noun, plural pathologies.
the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.
the conditions and processes of a disease.
any deviation from a healthy, normal, or efficient condition.
noun (pl) -gies
the branch of medicine concerned with the cause, origin, and nature of disease, including the changes occurring as a result of disease
the manifestations of disease, esp changes occurring in tissues or organs
any variant or deviant condition from normal
“science of diseases,” 1610s, from French pathologie (16c.), from medical Latin pathologia “study of disease,” from Greek pathos “suffering” (see pathos) + -logia “study” (see -logy). In reference to the study of abnormal mental conditions from 1842. Ancient Greek pathologia was “study of the passions;” the Greek word for “science of diseases” was pathologike (“pathologics”).
pathology pa·thol·o·gy (pā-thŏl’ə-jē)
pathology [(puh-thol-uh-jee)]
A branch of medicine that explores the nature and cause of disease. Pathology also involves the study of bodily changes that occur as the result of disease.
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[puh-thol-uh-jee] /pəˈθɒl ə dʒi/ noun, plural pathologies. 1. the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases. 2. the conditions and processes of a disease. 3. any deviation from a healthy, normal, or efficient condition. /pəˈθɒlədʒɪ/ noun (pl) -gies 1. the branch of medicine concerned with the cause, origin, and nature […]
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