Pelvic plane of least dimensions
pelvic plane of least dimensions n.
The plane that extends from the end of the sacrum to the lower border of the pubic symphysis, bounded posteriorly by the end of the sacrum, laterally by the ischial spines, and anteriorly by the lower border of the pubic symphysis.
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- Pelvic plane of outlet
pelvic plane of outlet n. An imaginary plane that passes in front through the pubic arch, laterally by the rami of the ischium and the sacrotuberous ligament on either side, and in the rear by these ligaments and the tip of the coccyx and is the lower opening of the small pelvis.
- Pelvic pole
pelvic pole n. The breech end of the fetus.
- Pelvic splanchnic nerve
pelvic splanchnic nerve n. Any of the branches from the second, third, and fourth sacral nerves that join the inferior hypogastric plexus, carrying parasympathetic and sensory fibers.
- Pelvic version
pelvic version n. Version in which a transverse or an oblique presentation is converted into a pelvic presentation by manipulating the buttocks of the fetus.
- Pelvilithotomy
pelvilithotomy pel·vi·li·thot·o·my (pěl’və-lĭ-thŏt’ə-mē) n. Surgical removal of a renal calculus through an incision in the renal pelvis. Also called pyelolithotomy.