Pelvis justo major
pelvis justo major pelvis jus·to ma·jor (jŭs’tō mā’jər)
A gynecoid pelvis having greater than normal measurements in all diameters.
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- Pelvis justo minor
pelvis justo minor pelvis justo mi·nor (mī’nər) n. A gynecoid pelvis with smaller than normal measurments in all diameters.
- Pelvis major
pelvis major n. See large pelvis.
- Pelvis minor
pelvis minor n. See small pelvis.
- Pelvivertebral angle
pelvivertebral angle pel·vi·ver·te·bral angle (pěl’və-vûr’tə-brəl, -vər-tē’brəl) n. The angle formed by the pelvis with the general axis of the trunk or spine.
- Pelvospondylitis ossificans
pelvospondylitis ossificans pel·vo·spon·dy·li·tis os·sif·i·cans (spŏn’dl-ī’tĭs ŏ-sĭf’ĭ-kānz’) n. Deposit of bony substance between the vertebrae of the sacrum.