[pem-fi-guh s, pem-fahy-] /ˈpɛm fɪ gəs, pɛmˈfaɪ-/
noun, Pathology.
any of several diseases, often fatal, characterized by blisters on the skin and mucous membranes.
/ˈpɛmfɪɡəs; pɛmˈfaɪ-/
(pathol) any of a group of blistering skin diseases, esp a potentially fatal form (pemphigus vulgaris) characterized by large blisters on the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, intestines, etc, which eventually rupture and form painful denuded areas from which critical amounts of bodily protein, fluid, and blood may be lost
pemphigus pem·phi·gus (pěm’fĭ-gəs, pěm-fī’gəs)
Any of several acute or chronic skin diseases characterized by groups of itching blisters.
pem’phi·gous adj.
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