
[per-uh-puh-tet-ik] /ˌpɛr ə pəˈtɛt ɪk/

walking or traveling about; itinerant.
(initial capital letter) of or relating to Aristotle, who taught philosophy while walking in the Lyceum of ancient Athens.
(initial capital letter) of or relating to the Aristotelian school of philosophy.
a person who walks or travels about.
(initial capital letter) a member of the Aristotelian school.
(Brit) employed in two or more educational establishments and travelling from one to another: a peripatetic football coach
a peripatetic person
of or relating to the teachings of Aristotle, who used to teach philosophy while walking about the Lyceum in ancient Athens
a student of Aristotelianism

c.1400, “disciple of Aristotle,” from Old French perypatetique (14c.), from Latin peripateticus “pertaining to the disciples or philosophy of Aristotle,” from Greek peripatetikos “given to walking about” (especially while teaching), from peripatein “walk up and down, walk about,” from peri- “around” (see peri-) + patein “to walk, tread” (see find (v.)). Aristotle’s custom was to teach while strolling through the Lyceum in Athens. In English, the philosophical meaning is older than that of “person who wanders about” (1610s).

1560s in the philosophical sense, 1640s in the literal sense; see peripatetic (n.).

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