
[foh-tuh-stat] /ˈfoʊ təˌstæt/

a camera for making facsimile copies of documents, drawings, etc., in the form of paper negatives on which the positions of lines, objects, etc., in the originals are maintained.
a copy made with this camera.
verb (used with or without object), photostated or photostatted, photostating or photostatting.
to copy with this camera.
a machine or process used to make quick positive or negative photographic copies of written, printed, or graphic matter
any copy made by such a machine
verb -stats, -statting, -stating, -statted, -stated
to make a photostat copy (of)

1909, a type of copying machine (trademark Commercial Camera Company, Providence, R.I.) whose name became a generic noun and verb (1914) for “photocopy;” from photo- + stat.

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