a small book containing everyday phrases and sentences and their equivalents in a foreign language, written especially for travelers.
a book containing frequently used expressions and their equivalents in a foreign language, esp for the use of tourists
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[freyz] /freɪz/ noun 1. Grammar. 2. Rhetoric. a word or group of spoken words that the mind focuses on momentarily as a meaningful unit and is preceded and followed by pauses. 3. a characteristic, current, or proverbial expression: a hackneyed phrase. 4. Music. a division of a composition, commonly a passage of four or eight […]
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[freyz-mey-ker] /ˈfreɪzˌmeɪ kər/ noun 1. a person who is skilled in coining well-turned ; phraseologist. 2. a person who makes catchy but often meaningless or empty statements.
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noun, Linguistics. 1. (in generative grammar) a representation of the constituent structure of a sentence, using a tree diagram or labeled bracketing. noun 1. (linguistics) a representation, esp one in the form of a tree diagram, of the constituent structure of a sentence
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[freyz-muhng-ger, -mong-] /ˈfreɪzˌmʌŋ gər, -ˌmɒŋ-/ noun 1. (def 2). noun a person who seeks to impress by using stylized or formal phrases or quotations of others