[thahy-sis, tahy-] /ˈθaɪ sɪs, ˈtaɪ-/
noun, Pathology.
a wasting away.
pulmonary tuberculosis; consumption.
/ˈθaɪsɪs; ˈfθaɪ-; ˈtaɪ-/
any disease that causes wasting of the body, esp pulmonary tuberculosis
1520s, from Late Latin phthisis “consumption,” from Greek phthisis “wasting, consumption; perishing, decay; waxing,” from phthiein “to decay, waste away,” from PIE root *dhgwhei- “to perish, die away” (cf. Sanskrit ksitih “destruction,” ksinati “perishes”).
phthisis phthi·sis (thī’sĭs, tī’-) or phthis·ic (tĭz’ĭk, thĭz’-)
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