
[pi-lot-ee] /pɪˈlɒt i/

a column of iron, steel, or reinforced concrete supporting a building above an open ground level.

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    noun 1. an electric lamp, used in association with a control, which by means of position or color indicates the functioning of the control; an indicator light or a control light. noun 1. a small light in an electric circuit or device that lights up when the circuit is closed or when certain conditions prevail

  • Pilotless

    [pahy-luh t-lis] /ˈpaɪ lət lɪs/ adjective 1. lacking a or needing no : pilotless aircraft. 2. having no : a pilotless furnace.

  • Pilotless-aircraft

    noun 1. an aircraft equipped for operation by radio or by robot control, without a human aboard; drone.

  • Pilotless-ignition

    noun 1. a system for igniting a gas burner, as in a gas range, furnace, or boiler, without the use of a pilot light.

  • Piliferous

    [pahy-lif-er-uh s] /paɪˈlɪf ər əs/ adjective 1. having or producing hair. /paɪˈlɪfərəs/ adjective 1. (esp of plants or their parts) bearing or ending in a hair or hairs 2. designating the outer layer of root epidermis, which bears the root hairs piliferous pi·lif·er·ous (pī-lĭf’ər-əs) adj. Bearing or producing hair.

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