
[pin-eyt, -it] /ˈpɪn eɪt, -ɪt/

resembling a feather, as in construction or arrangement; having parts arranged on each side of a common axis:
a pinnate branch; pinnate trees.
Botany. (of a leaf) having leaflets or primary divisions arranged on each side of a common stalk.
/ˈpɪneɪt; ˈpɪnɪt/
like a feather in appearance
(of compound leaves) having the leaflets growing opposite each other in pairs on either side of the stem

1727, from Latin pinnatus “feathered, winged,” from pinna “feather, wing” (see pin (n.)).

Having parts or divisions arranged on each side of a common axis in the manner of a feather. Ash, hickory, and walnut trees have pinnate leaves.

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