
[pin-tuh; Spanish peen-tah] /ˈpɪn tə; Spanish ˈpin tɑ/

noun, Pathology.
a nonvenereal treponematosis occurring chiefly in Central and South America, caused by Treponema carateum, characterized by spots of various colors on the skin.
[pin-tuh; Spanish peen-tah] /ˈpɪn tə; Spanish ˈpin tɑ/
one of the three ships under the command of Columbus during his first voyage to America in 1492.
a tropical infectious skin disease caused by the bacterium Treponema carateum and characterized by the formation of papules and loss of pigmentation in circumscribed areas Also called mal de pinto
(informal) a pint of milk
the Pinta, one of the three ships commanded by Columbus on his first voyage to America (1492)

pinta pin·ta (pĭn’tə, pēn’tä)
A contagious skin disease prevalent in tropical America, caused by the spirochete Treponema carateum and characterized by thickening and spotty discoloration of the skin.

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