
[pley-tee] /ˈpleɪ ti/

adjective, platier, platiest.
(of an igneous rock) split into thin, flat sheets, often resembling strata, as a result of uneven cooling.
[plat-ee] /ˈplæt i/
noun, plural (especially collectively) platy (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) platys, platies.
a combining form meaning “flat,” “broad,” used in the formation of compound words:
adjective platier, platiest
of, relating to, or designating rocks the constituents of which occur in flaky layers: platy fracture
noun (pl) platy, platys, platies
any of various small brightly coloured freshwater cyprinodont fishes of the Central American genus Xiphophorus, esp X. maculatus
combining form
indicating something flat: platyhelminth

platy- pref.
Flat: platyhelminth.

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