
[puh-gruhm, -grom, poh-] /pəˈgrʌm, -ˈgrɒm, poʊ-/

an organized massacre, especially of Jews.
an organized persecution or extermination of an ethnic group, esp of Jews

1882, from Yiddish pogrom, from Russian pogromu “devastation, destruction,” from po- “by, through, behind, after” (cognate with Latin post-; see post-) + gromu “thunder, roar,” from PIE imitative root *ghrem- (see grim).
pogrom [(puh-grum, puh-grom, poh-gruhm)]

A massacre or persecution instigated by the government or by the ruling class against a minority group, particularly Jews.

Note: Pogroms were common in Russia during the nineteenth century.

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