
a pellet of a quick-acting poison, as cyanide, for a spy to carry in order to commit suicide when faced with capture or torture.
Financial Slang. any of various business devices created to prevent a company from being taken over by another, as issuing a new class of stock or stock warrants that would become costly to the buyer in the event of a takeover.
(finance) a tactic used by a company fearing an unwelcome takeover bid, in which the value of the company is automatically reduced, as by the sale of an issue of shares having an option unfavourable to the bidders, if the bid is successful

noun phrase

Any financial stratagem that causes a company to be unattractive to takeover bidders: Time Warner’s poison pill effectively bars an investor from owning more than 15 percent of the company’s outstanding shares (mid-1980s+ Business & finance)

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