chiefly British English spelling of polarization. For spelling, see -ize.
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[poh-lar-uh-skohp, puh-] /poʊˈlær əˌskoʊp, pə-/ noun, Optics. 1. an instrument for measuring or exhibiting the polarization of light or for examining substances in polarized light, often to determine stress and strain in glass and other substances. /pəʊˈlærɪˌskəʊp/ noun 1. an instrument for detecting polarized light or for observing objects under polarized light, esp for detecting […]
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[poh-luh-rahyz] /ˈpoʊ ləˌraɪz/ verb (used with object), polarized, polarizing. 1. to cause in. 2. to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.: The controversy has polarized voters into proabortion and antiabortion groups. 3. to give to. verb (used without object), polarized, polarizing. 4. to become polarized. /ˈpəʊləˌraɪz/ verb 1. to acquire or cause to […]
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[poh-luh-rahyz] /ˈpoʊ ləˌraɪz/ verb (used with object), polarized, polarizing. 1. to cause in. 2. to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.: The controversy has polarized voters into proabortion and antiabortion groups. 3. to give to. verb (used without object), polarized, polarizing. 4. to become polarized. /ˈpəʊləˌraɪz/ verb 1. to acquire or cause to […]
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[poh-lar-i-tee, puh-] /poʊˈlær ɪ ti, pə-/ noun 1. Physics. 2. the presence or manifestation of two opposite or contrasting principles or tendencies. 3. Linguistics. /pəʊˈlærɪtɪ/ noun (pl) -ties 1. the condition of having poles 2. the condition of a body or system in which it has opposing physical properties at different points, esp magnetic poles […]
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[poh-luh-rahyz] /ˈpoʊ ləˌraɪz/ verb (used with object), polarized, polarizing. 1. to cause in. 2. to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.: The controversy has polarized voters into proabortion and antiabortion groups. 3. to give to. verb (used without object), polarized, polarizing. 4. to become polarized. /ˈpəʊləˌraɪz/ verb 1. to acquire or cause to […]