
[poh-luh-rahyz] /ˈpoʊ ləˌraɪz/

verb (used with object), polarized, polarizing.
to cause in.
to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.:
The controversy has polarized voters into proabortion and antiabortion groups.
to give to.
verb (used without object), polarized, polarizing.
to become polarized.
to acquire or cause to acquire polarity
to acquire or cause to acquire polarization: to polarize light
to cause people to adopt extreme opposing positions: to polarize opinion

1811, in optics, from French polariser, coined by French physicist Étienne-Louis Malus (1775-1812) as a term in optics, from Modern Latin polaris “polar” (see polar). Transferred sense of “to accentuate a division in a group or system” is first recorded 1949 in Arthur Koestler. Related: Polarized; polarizing.

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