a person who has fled from a homeland because of political persecution.
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[pol-i-tish-uh n] /ˌpɒl ɪˈtɪʃ ən/ noun 1. a person who is active in . 2. a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles. 3. a person who holds a office. 4. a person skilled in government or administration; statesman or stateswoman. 5. […]
- Politicized
[puh-lit-uh-sahyz] /pəˈlɪt əˌsaɪz/ verb (used with object), politicized, politicizing. 1. to bring a character or flavor to; make : to politicize a private dispute. verb (used without object), politicized, politicizing. 2. to engage in or discuss politics. /pəˈlɪtɪˌsaɪz/ verb 1. (transitive) to render political in tone, interest, or awareness 2. (intransitive) to participate in political […]
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[pol-i-tik] /ˈpɒl ɪ tɪk/ verb (used without object) 1. to engage in politicking. verb (used with object) 2. to influence, accomplish, or promote by politicking: Somehow he politicked the bill through both houses of Congress.
- Politico
[puh-lit-i-koh] /pəˈlɪt ɪˌkoʊ/ noun, plural politicos. 1. a politician. 1. a combining form representing political, in compound words: politico-religious. /pəˈlɪtɪˌkəʊ/ noun (pl) -cos 1. an informal word for a politician (sense 1), politician (sense 3) combining form 1. denoting political or politics: politicoeconomic n. “politician, political agent,” usually in a derogatory sense, 1620s, from Italian […]
- Politics makes strange bedfellows
Political interests can bring together people who otherwise have little in common. This saying is adapted from a line in the play The Tempest, by William Shakespeare: “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.” It is spoken by a man who has been shipwrecked and finds himself seeking shelter beside a sleeping monster.