
[pol-uh k] /ˈpɒl ək/

noun, plural pollocks (especially collectively) pollock. Chiefly British.
Also called saithe. a North Atlantic food fish, Pollachius virens, of the cod family.
[pol-uh k] /ˈpɒl ək/
Sir Frederick, 1845–1937, English legal scholar and author.
Jackson, 1912–56, U.S. painter.
Sir Frederick. 1845–1937, English legal scholar: with Maitland, he wrote History of English Law before the Time of Edward I (1895)
Jackson. 1912–56, US abstract expressionist painter; chief exponent of action painting in the US


A Pole or a person of Polish extraction •It is curious that this word is somewhat pejorative in English even though it is the Polish word for ”Pole” (1879+)

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